Apr 19, 2020

Life in the Time of COVID-19: How to Stay Sane in Self-Quarantine

COVID-19. Even for an introvert like me this whole social distancing thing is getting old by now. I miss being around people. Who knew? Here's a few things to help relieve the tedium and to keep from obsessing over the news 24/7. 

Do some writing, maybe a story set in quarantine or involving an epidemic? A writer, much like Doctor Who, can travel in time and space so we're never really locked up. 

Writing not your thing? Luckily there are thousands of ready-made portals into strange lands around. Just jump in! This is the perfect time to read your favourite series, the longer the better. 

What about that classic you've been trying to plough through? I'm FINALLY going to finish In Search of Lost Time. I've been averaging about one book per year so I should be done by now. Why did it take me this long? Funny story, I lost the last volume. (Yeah, I'm aware of the irony.) But now I ordered a new copy so no more excuses, especially since the missing one turned up two weeks afterwards, grrr . . . 

Do some baking, something silly and time consuming. For ideas, check out Deceptive Desserts: A Lady's Guide to Baking Bad by Christine McConnell or the English Heritage site for Victorian recipes straight out of a Dickens novel (with instructional videos). 

Try a video game. Saving the world is quite therapeutic, and you get that sense of being abroad even though you're sitting at home. I've been enjoying the first Witcher game a lot. 

Bummed out about all the spring/summer events getting canceled? Sign up for a virtual sci-fi convention! Worldcon decided not to cancel and went virtual instead. https://conzealand.nz

If all else fails, alcohol. (Just kidding)

What are you doing to keep calm and carry on?